Kafka on the Shore
Kafka on the Shore, Translated by Philip Gabriel
流麗한 英譯.
“해외저자사전“에 찾아본 Franz Kafka=오스트리아-헝가리제국 프라하에서 독일어를 쓰는 중간계급의 유태인가정에서 태어난 카프카는...비현실적이면서도 현실적인 상황 설정 속에서 인간의 존재를 끊임없이 추구한 실존주의 소설가..
숲속의 샤먼이 양껏 行하는 妄想같은 것에 해당하는 저작기법을 자기 것 인 양 거리낌 없이 따른다 (그런 능력이 있는 작가가 많은 것은 아니지만)... Sex를 七味로 흩뿌리는 뛰어난 Chef, 허다한 시간을 소모해야만 들어볼 법한 다양한 음악을 交織하는 Maestro.
小說에 값하기보다 (그렇다고 그게 빛나는 그 무엇인 건 아니다만) 狂妄說?. 재주가 뛰어난 것이라고도, 鐵面이라고도. 血같은 교환수단을 대량으로, 우아하게 획득하는 수단?
Colonel Sanders, Johny Walker 等等
P.214 through a dream
P.146 Silence is something you can hear
p.171 In everybody’s life, there is a point of no return
P.271 There is a kind of warp at work in the world.
Stephen King도 마찬가지. 이 者 들의 이러한 소설을 맨 정신으로, 억지로 만든 빈 시간에 읽기는 힘들다. 아무 생각이 없을 때나 가능하다. 이런 걸 Fantasy라고 한다나..계속 읽을 수 있다면, 당신은 지금 아무 생각이 없는 상황에 있다. 살다보면 자주 생기는 그런 때.
줄을 그어둔 몇 구절
p5. sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions.
p42. in ancient times people were’nt just male or female, but one of three types: male/male, male/female, or female/female. In other words, each person was made out of the components of two people.
p53. Sex can eb areal pain that way, course when you get in the mood all you can think about is what’s right under your nose- that’s sex, all right.
p55. Your problem is that your shadow is a bit-how should I put it? Faint. I thought this the first time I laid eyes on you, that the shadow of you cast on the ground is only half as dark as that of ordinary people.
P71. It might sound strange to put it this way, but it seemed like the real Nakata had gone off somewhere, leaving behind for a time the fleshly container, which in his absence keep all his bodily functions going at the minimum level needed to preserve it self. The term “spirit projection” sprang to mind. Are you familiar with it? Japanese folk tales are full of this sort of thing, where the soul temporarily leaves the body and goes off a great distance to take care of some vital task and then returns to reunite with the body.
I felt an indescribable pleasure. We tried all sorts of positions and did it over and over, climaxing again and again. It’s strange, not that I think of it, for in real life the two of us were quiet, rather introverted people. We’d never given in to our passions like this or experienced such soaring pleasure. But in the dreams, for the first time on our lives, we'd thrown away all restraints and were going at it like animals.
That’s how stories happen-with a turning point, an unexpected twist. There’s only one kind of happiness, but misfortune comes in all shapes and sizes.
p231. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
p235. That’s what’s called a ‘living spirit.’...The Tale of Genji, for instance, is filled with living spirits.
There’s nothing you can do to stop it. You come over and over inside her. The warm walls inside her contract, gathering in your semen. All this while she’s still asleep with her eyes wide open. She’s in a different world, and that’s where your seed goes- swallowed down into a palce apart.
There’s another world that parallels our own, and to a ceetain degree you’re able to step into that other world and come back safely. As long as you’re careful. But go past a certain point and you’ll lose the path out.
Archduke Trio
29 Mar 2018
春] 鎭 [春