
4321. Paul Auster

eyetalker 2019. 3. 7. 15:32


Paul Auster 처음.

[0]  Early Life & Career_위키피디아


  • 1947年生이므로 1965년쯤 대학 입학하게 되는 , 월남전 반대, 흑인봉기등등 각종 사회적 갈등이 증폭되던 시기에 해당.


Early life[edit]

Paul Auster was born in Newark, New Jersey,[2] to Jewish middle-class parents of Polish descent, Queenie (née Bogat) and Samuel Auster.[3][4] He grew up in South Orange, New Jersey[5] and Newark[6] and graduated from Columbia High School in Maplewood.[7]


After graduating from Columbia University with B.A. and M.A. degrees in 1970, he moved to Paris, France where he earned a living translating French literature. Since returning to the U.S. in 1974, he has published poems, essays, and novels, as well as translations of French writers such as Stéphane Mallarmé and Joseph Joubert.


-> 본인의 (=어떤 미국 소년) 유년기 청소년기 청년기 행로가 소설4321에서 4가지 변주. 너무나 미국적인 New York 성장소설.


   명의 주인공 A.I.Fergsuson 4가지 서로 엇비슷하면서 구체적 상황은 다른 상황 속에서 성장해나간다는 플롯. 그렇다고 Ferguson1, Ferguson2, Ferguson3, Ferguson 4 기상천외한 多樣 속을 누비는 것은 아니다. What if 變奏..

  1. 명은 소년기 폭우 갑작스런 질주, 흥분에 , 벼락으로 感電死 명은 하숙집 주인의 담뱃불 失火로 숙면 중의 燒死, 명은 동성애 연인을 갈구하다 런던거리에서 輪死. (동성애자는 차에 치어 죽어야 한다는 의도는 아닌 것이 분명). 명은 살아나 프랑스 파리로 떠난다


[1] 소설4321 대한 비평 하나.


 Auster's most recent novel, 4 3 2 1Booklist critic Donna Seaman remarked:

Auster has been turning readers' heads for three decades, bending the conventions of storytelling, blurring the line between fiction and autobiography, infusing novels with literary and cinematic allusions, and calling attention to the art of storytelling itself, not with cool, intellectual remove, but rather with wonder, gratitude, daring, and sly humor. ... Auster's fiction is rife with cosmic riddles and rich in emotional complexity. He now presents his most capacious, demanding, eventful, suspenseful, erotic, structurally audacious, funny, and soulful novel to date. ... Auster is conducting a grand experiment, not only in storytelling, but also in the endless nature-versus-nurture debate, the perpetual dance between inheritance and free will, intention and chance, dreams and fate. This elaborate investigation into the big what-if is also a mesmerizing dramatization of the multitude of clashing selves we each harbor within. ... A paean to youth, desire, books, creativity, and unpredictability, it is a four-faceted bildungsroman and an ars poetica, in which Auster elucidates his devotion to literature and art. He writes, 'To combine the strange with the familiar: that was what Ferguson aspired to, to observe the world as closely as the most dedicated realist and yet to create a way of seeing the world through a different, slightly distorting lens.' Auster achieves this and much more in his virtuoso, magnanimous, and ravishing opus.[22]


경찰과의 투석전, 교정의 사복경찰, 최루탄의 亂舞, 대학점거농성, 총장실 점거 파손, 학생과 청년교수들과의 연대투쟁. 60년대 후반의 뉴욕은 그대로 80년대 서울의 풍경과 찍어놓은 판박이다. 미국학생운동사라는 것이 있다면 그대로 장소와 날짜만 서울의 대학으로 바꿔 끼우면 그대로 한국학생운동사 장면으로 둔갑할 법도. 865페이지.



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