
Homo_Deus. Yuval Harari 2016

eyetalker 2017. 12. 11. 13:28

Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari. 2016.

A Brief history of Tomorrow


내일에 대한 유발 하라리의 생각이다.

현생인류 Homo Sapiens(현인류), Sapiens [seipienz], , 아니,

극히 일부 富者는, Homo Deus()로 진화할 것이란 예측.


단지 부유하기만 할 수 있다면, Eternal Life또한 불가능하지 않다는 믿음이 常識이 된 時代를.


Algorithm(앨거리덤)- 어떤 문제를 해결하기 위한 절차, 방법,명령어들의 집합-Deep Learning으로 무장한

AI Robot.

그리 멀지도 않은 듯.


일고여덟쯤 시골 할아버지 댁. 겨울 밤 소여물 죽을 끓이고, 그 뜨거운 구정물에 거북 등처럼 갈라진 손등에 낀 때를 씻어내고, 한밤, 오줌 누러 나간 대청마루 요강에 蒙古斑자리 아직 희미한 허연 알 궁둥이를 까고 앉아 검푸른 하늘에 휘영청 달빛, 건너편 어두운 숲에서 들려오는 늑대들 울음소리에 귀 기울이던 기억이 아직도 남아있건만, 내일 모렌 8등신 인공지능 로봇과 섹스라도 해볼 생각이라.. 레비트라만으로도 허약체엔 충분을 과초과 하건만 세상은 계속 不堪當의 驚異를 쏟아내고 있다..


도시락만한 내쇼날 라디오카셑테이프레코드를 학교 앞 전당포에 맡기고 빌린 오 천원으로 제기시장 닭발 팔던 골목에서 후배들 돼지갈비 사 먹이고 레이건 방한반대 데모하러 기어나가던 시절, 대학교를 졸업하고 나서야 처음 삼겹살을 먹어보고 그 맛에 敬意를 表하던 시절이 그야말로 엊그제 같은데 말이지.. 인형도 아니고 스칼렛 요한슨을 닮은 로봇과 그 짓을 하겠다니.. 니콜 키드먼은 ? 너무 허연가?


문제는, 누구나, 그런 즐거운 망상을 즐길 수 있는 건 아니고, 현대판 브라만, superhuman=富者(精神적 부자 이런 거 말고..). 나머진 不可觸賤民.






내용의 일부는



Humans are rarely satisfied with what they already have. The most common reaction of the human mind to achievement is not satisfaction, but craving for more. Humans are always on the lookout for something better, bigger, tastier.


Humanity’s next targets are likely to be immortality, happiness and divinity.



They viewed death as a vital and positive part of the world.


Just try to imagine Christianity, Islam or Hinduism in a world without death- which is also a world without heaven, hell or reincarnation.



According to Epicurus, we are happy when we feel pleasant sensations and are free from unpleasant ones. Jeremy Bentham similarly maintained that nature gave dominion over man two masters- pleasure and pain- and they alone determine everything we do, say and think.


People are made happy by one thing and one thing only pleasant sensations in their bodies.



We are suddenly showing unprecedented interest in the fate of so-called lower life forms, perhaps because we are about to become one.


Where did that spark come from?



There is zero scientific evidence that in contrast to pigs, Sapiens have souls.



Mind is something very different from soul. The mind isn’t some mystical eternity entity. Nor is it an organ such as the eye or the brain. Rather the mind is a flow of subjective experiences, such as pain, pleasure, anger and love.



The best scientists too are a long way from deciphering the enigma of mind and consciousness.



Since there is only one real world, whereas the number of potential virtual worlds is infinite, the probability that you happen to inhabit the soul real world is almost zero.



We are ruled by emotions.. and that equality is a universal and timeless value.



Written language may have been conceived as a modest way of describing reality, but it gradually became a powerful way to reshape reality. When official reports collided with objective reality, it was often reality that had to give way.



Harris thinks that all humans share a single supreme value- minimizing suffering and maximizing happiness.



To the best of our scientific understanding, the universe is a blind and purposeless process, full of sound and fury but signifying nothing. During our infinitesimally brief stay on our tiny speck of a planet, we fret and strut this way and that, and then are heard of no more.


China… techno religions..

What will happen to the job market once artificial intelligence outperforms humans in most cognitive tasks?



Most societies failed to understand what was happening, and therefore missed the train of progress….

In the early twenty-first century the train of progress is again pulling out of the station- and thus will probably be the last train ever to leave the station called Homo Sapiens. Those who miss the train will never get a second chance.



Some economists predict that sooner or later unenhanced humans will be completely useless.



People must do something, or they go crazy. What will they do all day? one answer might be drugs ad computer games. Unnecessary people might spend increasing amount of time within 3D virtual reality worlds, that would provide them with far more excitement and emotional engagement than the drab reality outside.



However, most humans will not be upgraded, and will consequently become an inferior caste dominated by both computer algorithms and the new superhumans.



They may well result in the creation of a new superhuman caste that will abandon its liberal roots and treat humans no better than ninetieth-century Europeans treated Africans… splits human kinds into a mass of useless humans and a small elite of upgraded superhumans.




These new techno-religions can be divided into two main types; techno-humanism and data-religion




Twentieth-first century superhumans hopes to reach that goal far more peacefully, with the help of genetic engineering, nanotechnology and brain-computer interface.


Dec 11, 2017

北風寒雪의 계절에.

느으Phnom Penh


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