
Levels of Life. Julian Barnes, 2013

eyetalker 2019. 7. 16. 14:51

Levels of Life. Julian Barnes, 2013



그다지 긴박하진 않다. 비행의 역사 초기 1863~1882 , 영국인 Colonel Fred Burnaby, 프랑스인 Felix 유럽인들이 열기구에 몸을 싣고 영불해협 횡단을 시도한다.


The Sin of Height


You put together two things that have not been put together before. And the world is changed. People may not notice at the time, but that doesn’t matter. The world has been changed nonetheless.



I think it was the Earthrise that really kind of got everybody in the solar plexus…We were looking back at our planet, the place where we evolved.


One the Level


Oh, for God’s sake, Madame Sarah. You know what I am going to say. I cannot bandy metaphor any longer. I am not the first man who has fallen in love with you on sight, nor, I fear, will I be the last. But I am in love with you as I have never been before. We are kindred spirits, this I know.



The Loss of Depth

줄리안 반즈(1946년생) 부인 Pat Kavanagh(남아공 출신) 1979 결혼.,2008 사별한다.


Love gives us a similar feeling of faith and invincibility. And sometimes, perhaps often, it works. We dodge between bullets as Sarah Bernhardt claimed to dodge between raindrops. But there is always the sudden spear-thrust to the neck. (실제로 Fered Burnaby 수단에서 현지인들과 전투 목에 창을 맞고 전사한다) Because every love story is a potential grief story.



Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice


그렇다. 思婦曲.





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