
The Journey of Frantz Fanon

eyetalker 2019. 9. 12. 17:07

No Direction Home:

The Journey of Frantz Fanon


By Adam Shatz


2018 The Best American Essays


집은 어디에/ 프란츠 파농의 여정



I was a teenager when I first saw a picture of Frantz Fanon, on the back of my father’s hardcover copy of Black Skin, White Masks, a 1967 Grove edition. He appeared in a tweed jacket, a freshly pressed white shirt, and a striped tie, with a five-o’clock shadow and an intense, somewhat hooded expression; his right eye slightly turned up to face the camera, his left fixed in a somber gaze. He seemed to be issuing a challenge, or perhaps a warning, that if his words weren’t heeded, there would be hell to pay.


..he had been born in Martinique in 1925, had studied psychiatry in France, had worked at a hospital in Algeria during the French-Algerian War, and had eventually joined the Algerian independence struggle, becoming its most eloquent spokesman, before dying of leukemia at age thirty-six.



Algeria achieved its independence in July 1962. It would soon become a leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, and play host to the ANC, the PLO, the Black Panthers, and other national liberation movements, many of them deeply influenced by Frantz Fanon. But over the years, independent Algeria,- austere, pious, socially conservative- bore less and less resemblance to the country Fanon had hoped for. Even if he had lived, it’s not clear he would have seen at home there…



How can Western democracies overcome the legacy of racial domination, so that black and brown citizens can experience the freedom enjoyed by whites? How postcolonial societies avoid reproducing the oppressive patterns of colonial rule?


人種, 階級, 搾取, 暴政, 宗敎 無限.



中秋 ]   [ 前夜




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