
Talking to Strangers. Malcolm Gladwell, 2019

eyetalker 2019. 10. 1. 15:15








Talking to Strangers. Malcolm Gladwell, 2019

What we should know about the people we don’t know


비행기에서 본 영화. The Hustle (Anna Hathway, Rebel Wilson). 코미디 콘 아티스트 영화.


우연히 KLIA 서점에서 이 책을 산 것과 우연성이 있는 건지도.





그의 다른 책들이 논하는 주제에 비하면 비교적 가벼운 느낌. 아마, 여기도 수확체감의 법칙.


는 속지 말라는 것인 바, , 타인과의 접촉할 때는 주의 깊게 들여다보자는 것.


모르는 타인과의 접촉에서 (인간이라 당연한 卽自反應_다른 사람들과 무관, 자신에만 매몰되어 살아가는 경향의) 考慮 配慮를 망각, 인간실패로 이어지는 현상에 대한 몇 가지 생각.



아무 생각 없이는, 우연한 타인을 있는 그대로 (상대가 위조한 표면을) 받아들이는(신뢰하는) 인간행동 경향이 一般性.



Belief is not the absence of doubt. You believe someone because you don’t habe enough doubts about them.... We need a triger to snap out of the default to truth, but the threshold for triggers are high.



Being deceived once in a while is not going to prevent us from passing on our genes or seriously threaten the survival of the species. Efficient communication, on the other hand, has huge implications for our survival. The trade-offs just isn’t much of a trade-off.




The first set of mistakes we make with strangers- the default to truth and the illusion of transparency.



p. 152

Transparency is the idea that people’s behavior and demeanor the way they represent themselves on the outside- provides an authentic and reliable window into the way they feel on the inside. It is the second of the crucial tools we use to make sense of strangers. When we don't know someone, or can’t communicate with them, or don't have the time to understand them properly, we believe we can make sense of them through their behavior and demeanor. p.154; We believe someone’s demeanor is a window into their soul.



We tend to judge people’s honesty based on their demeanor. Well-spoken, confident people with a firm handshake who are friendly and engaging are seen as believable. Nervous, shifty, stammering, uncomfortable people who give windy, convoluted explanations aren’t.



-단순히 마음에 든 문장 한 줄-

He gives off a sense of un-shakable self confidence, as if the always gets a good night’s sleep, no matter what he did to anyone that day, or what anyone did to him.



-다시 주제와 무관한 문장-

Poets die young. That is not just a cliche. The life expectancy of poets, as a group, trails play wrights, novelists, and non fiction writers by a considerable margin. They have higher rates of “emotional disorders” than actors, musicians, composers, and novelists.


어떤 인간 성향과 상황의 일치에 대한_ Coupling (, 同調)


The alternative possibility is that suicide is a behavior coupled to a particular context. Coupling is the idea that behaviors ar


e linked to very specific circumstances and conditions.


어떤 길거리 여인에 대한

p. 292

a prisoner of her economic and social circumstances.


Ana Montes

Bernie Madoff

Jerry Sandusky_the pedophile



2019년 하반기는 즐기는 독서다

그것이 가능한 짧은 解氷期


자나깨나 안달복달하는 이 비속한 마음은

무척 慌恐할 따름이다.


[9] [10]





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