The Honest Truth about Dishonesty.
How we lie to Everyone- Especially Ourselves.
by Dan Ariely. June 2012.
댄 애리얼리의 저작으로 널리 알려진 책으로 Predictably Irrational이란 게 있는데, 내용과 접근방식은 달리 변함이 없다.
상당한 장문으로, 심리학, 행동경제학, 인지심리학적 주제중 인간의 비양심적 행위의 발생작위와 그 미치는 영향을 논구했으나, 외견상 담대 중후한 분위기에 비해, 저자 자신이 탄성하듯 느끼는 바에 비하면 알맹이가 그다지 새롭지 않다. 인감심리의 몇몇 어두운 면에 대한 이 정도의 발견에 (나로서도 당연하다고 생각하고, 상식적으로도 그렇게 이미 인지되고 있다고 해도 그다지 틀린 말은 아닐 것) 그토록 장구한 세월을 통한, 심오한 학문적 접근이 필요했을까 하는 의구심을 버릴 수 없다.
近朱自赤 近墨自黑이나,
바늘도둑 소도둑 된다 라는 두 마디에 대한 기나긴 해설이다.
영어독서력 향상에는 충분히 도움이 된다.
다음 몇몇 excerpts;
We are going to take things from each other if we have a chance... many people need controls around them for them to do the right thing.
It seemed that merely trying to recall moral standards was enough to improve moral behaviour.
.. as simple as recalling moral standards at the time of temptation can work wonders to decrease dishonest behaviour and potentially prevent it altogether.
Do women feel sorry for you and give you sympathy secs?
We humans are deeply social creatures, so when someone lends us a hand in some way or presents us with a gift, we tend to feel indebted.
..on stressful days many of us give in to temptation and choose one of the less healthy alternatives.... The key to this mystery has to do with the struggle between the impulsive (or emotional) and the the rational ( or deliberative) parts of ourselves...... examined the idea that people fall into temptation more frequently when the part of their brain that is in charge of deliberative thinking is otherwise occupied.
Generally speaking, if you wear down your willpower, you will have considerably more trouble regulating your desires, and that difficulty can wear down your honesty as well... we’ve learned that depletion takes away our reasoning powers and with them our ability to act morally.
Granted, we can not avoid beling exposed to all threats to our self-control.
People tend to believe their own exaggerated story.
I think that these results suggest that once something or someone irritates us it becomes easier for us to justfy our immoral behaviour... we are getting even.
If there was a real increase in social dishonesty, could it be spreading like infection, virus, or communicable bacteria, transmitted through mere observation or direct contact?..... we become more and more comprimised.
..fix problems when they are small.
2013. 9월 初秋雨中
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